Martinsburg, WV--Recently, two anglers casting for trout at Back Creek, came up with a gruesome catch. They
found two black American Touristers suitcases containing human body parts and ten-pound and five-pound Gold's Gym weights.
The remains were those of forty nine year-old Debra Ann Fielder, estranged wife of local attorney Steven Fielder. She had
suffered multiple stab wounds prior to being beheaded and hacked into pieces. Labels inside the suitcases made it possible
for the police to trace them to the Martinsburg Wal Mart, where store videotape showed Steven Fielder buying them and
the gold's Gym weights. He has been charged with first degree murder. Martinsburg, population 15, 480, rates a five in
the national violent crime index while Shepherdstown, population 879, rates two. Ten is the highest number.

Damage control wonks at Shepherd U must be busy trying to restore the image of that institution as an oasis
of tranquility. A recent series of unfortunate events including a murder suicide, alleged arson, and
threats of terrorism have left the community wondering just how safe is life on campus.

Was that really a Shepherd University student going door to door to collect eggs
for the Heifer Project at 8:30 P.M. on Friday, October 1st.?
"We dont know that it was," says a source at Shepherd. "I think that the
frat guys are doing something with Heifer."
Do Heifer volunteers collect door to door?
"No," says Heifer Project Regional Director Tony Woodell.
Is Shepherd University working with Heifer?
"I am not aware that it is," says Woodell.
Shepherdstown police received complaints from residents whose cars were egged at approximately
the same time, but has yet to track down the culprits.
What does Shepherd have to say on the the subject?
"Pledge week was over by then."
Stay tuned. It beats reading about Al-Quaeda in Pakistan.
This, from Umaru Sule, at Heifer's office in Philadelphia, PA
"A group of students are in the process
of officially forming Heifer Club at Shepherd University in West
Virginia. According to our Area Volunteer Coordinators, the students are
engaged in fundraising activities for Heifer International."

Harper's Ferry, WV--The National Park Service has granted a First Amendment permit to the Klu
Klux Klan to hold a rally in Harpers Ferry on October 14. The theme of rally is "Black Crimes in White America."
Racism is a social disease

Nogoodniks worked overtime on Tuesday, October 10, in Shepherdstown. They robbed
the post office, the China Kitchen Restaurant and TLC Photography. Their attempt to rob Jefferson Security Bank
failed when the burglar alarm went off, alerting the police. On Wednesday, feds were still dusting for fingerprints and
mail delivery did not resume until 2:30 P.M. Old Unterrified is thinking very seriously of clicking the heels of her red shoes.