During his campaign, for mayor, Lance Dom often mentioned that he had a vision for the town without specifying
how it would benefit townspeople. Now, his vision seems to be focused on annexation, which clearly benefits carpet baggers
and speculators, but does nothing for townspeople. Dom and the fat cat developers whose annexation proposal
he supports, have tried to stifle opposition by labeling dissenters selfish Gucci wearing elitists. This is a new spin
on the old political saw that advocates repeating untruths until they become believable. Furthermore, it is transparent
attempt to divide and conquer by pitting one economic class against another--in this case, mythical Gucci wearers against
thehave-nots--is typical of land grabbers. It will not work. Shepherdstown people are not stupid. They
know snake oil when they see it.
Clara Castelar